Friday, April 27, 2012

April 24, 2012

Building B (OBCC) Is nearly complete.  Bigelow should be moving in June 4th.
Just some finishing touches and final connections remaining.



Friday, March 2, 2012

March 02, 2012

Well Hello, I have been a wee bit neglectful to this Blog.  I hope I can bring you all up to speed with this single post.  Due to snow I did not go outside to get images so you will have to suffer inside shots.  The road to the dock continues and we should be expecting the foundation for the shore side facility to be placed in the next week or so.  The exterior of the buildings is progressing (you will have to trust me, since I have no images today).

Lets start in Building B (OBCC)
 Racks for the IDF room are being installed, data lines have already been pulled
 Above head utilities run down the service corridor to supply both Bldg B and C hot and chilled water
 Electrical room for Bldg B
 Lower level access corridor for Bldg B
 Air Handling unit in Bldg B
 pH neutralization system for lab wastes
 1st floor office in Bldg B
 1st floor corridor
 Cellular Biogeochemistry lab on 1st floor
 Remote Sensing Ocean Observing lab 1st floor
 1st floor commons
 SRS offices 2nd floor
 Air Sea Interactions Lab 2nd floor
 2nd floor corridor
 A view from the Trace Metal Clean lab, through the Trace Metal Geochemistry Lab, Fume Hood Alcove, and out the East window of the Air-Sea Interaction Lab
 2nd floor commons

Now quick sneak peak into Building C (COH)
  Above is a view of the 2nd floor
A view into the basement where we will house our Mesocosm, Algae grow-out facilities

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 18, 2012

 Today's images are brought to you by NIST, who are happy to show off the exterior of Building C...Enjoy!

January 17, 2012

 Today we are going inside Building B.  Above is the electrical room
 Basement Corridor
 Air Handling Room (Pre Air Handler, which should be arriving early next week)
 Stock Room
 Corridor on the 1st floor
 Cellular Biogeochemistry Lab
 2nd Floor.  Notice the windows!

And today's glimpse of Building C is the basement.  Today we are pouring heat in here to thaw out the frost, so foundation work can begin

December 20, 2011

 Steel has arrived for Building C (Center for Ocean Health)

 Work in Building B is moving fast.  
The second floor already has drywall, while the first floor is being framed.