Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 18, 2012

 Today's images are brought to you by NIST, who are happy to show off the exterior of Building C...Enjoy!

January 17, 2012

 Today we are going inside Building B.  Above is the electrical room
 Basement Corridor
 Air Handling Room (Pre Air Handler, which should be arriving early next week)
 Stock Room
 Corridor on the 1st floor
 Cellular Biogeochemistry Lab
 2nd Floor.  Notice the windows!

And today's glimpse of Building C is the basement.  Today we are pouring heat in here to thaw out the frost, so foundation work can begin

December 20, 2011

 Steel has arrived for Building C (Center for Ocean Health)

 Work in Building B is moving fast.  
The second floor already has drywall, while the first floor is being framed.