Hawkes foresters are fast. Within days most of the area was knocked down

Once the trees were knocked down they dragged them out and processed them into usable materials

With enough trees dragged out, we were able to walk back to the building site. The next several photos show the transition of the site of the first building up to the Ground Breaking Ceremony

A storm came through over the weekend and make the entire building site a muddy mess. Through the tireless efforts of Crooker and Consigli, they came in at first light and transformed the area from mud to gravel. They set the groundwork for a successful Ground-breaking Ceremony.

A few days after the ceremony, the septic leach field was cleared of trees. This clearing brought with it an unexpected cross river view of South Bristol. This is the expected view for the ground floor of the Bigelow Center for Blue Biotechnology (BCBB) building. I am looking forward to see how it looks from the second floor.

The parking lot was cleared and will be used as a material processing area until the BCBB is completed.

Hawkes have cut a path down to Route 96. This will become the main entrance to the Bigelow Campus.

Crooker wasted no time "Stumping and Grubbing" the access road. Getting ready to blast the road and a trench line for the water main to be brought in late October.

Sigler was hired to perform the blasting. They are making good headway with their time on the site. They are drilling and blasting in multiple locations on the site at once. They report that the blasting is coming along smooth. The ledge has lots of quartz in it making it easy to break up.
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