Monday, September 19, 2011

September 15, 2012

 Foggy Steel

 A little heat to keep our entry vestibule warm during the long Maine winters
Its not a game of "King of the Hill" its Crooker getting things ready to start foundation work on Building C (Center for Ocean Health)

September 13, 2012

 More Steel
 Hey look, they are forming up the concrete pad which will become our loading dock!
 West side zinc
Even more steel

September 12, 2012

 Blasting mats have arrived.  There is some ledge which still sits in our way along the road down to the shore
 Building B Steel
 More steel
After all that steel, there is a shower in Building A

September 09, 2011

 More steel for Building B
Light fixtures are being installed into the new walk-in growth chambers

September 08, 2011

 Steel for Building B (COBCC) has arrived. They are wasting no time putting it in place
 Bathroom tiles are in and look good
 They are closing up the walls in the Commons
 A higher view of Building B
 Casework continues, I think the scientist are going to like their new place
 lots and lots of data lines
 Last of the Zinc
 Our new autoclave has arrived!
 The tree cutters have arrived, they have cut the trees for the dock access road
 A view up the hill looking at both wings
 A view into the Air Handling room of Building B
The upper parking lot is also clear of trees

September 01, 2011

 Backfilling Building B continues...almost done
 Zinc on the North side of Building A is complete
 Interior fit out continues
Day view East over the foundation of Building B

August 29, 2011

 Backfilling is in progress on Building B (COBCC)
 Building B Air Handling Room is prepared for its concrete floor
 A view into the Northern portion of structural fill in Building B. Notice the struts which span the gap to keep structural fill from pushing the concrete walls out of place
 An early view of the lab flooring
 Fume hood in the Geomicrobiology Lab
 Sink placement into the Pre-PCR lab
 A higher view of basement of Building B
 Looking East along the North wall of Building A
 The data lines are piling up.  I am glad someone else has to sort them all out
An evening view East over the foundation of Building B

August 25, 2011

 Building B (COBCC) all the forms have been removed
 A view into the Air Handling room of Building B
 Zinc is moving fast on the North side of Building A (BCBB)
 Data lines are being pulled.
 Water Treatment system has been delivered and installed
 Lab Casework arrived
 Cabinetry is going in

August 18, 2011

Foundation walls for Building B (COBCC) are complete.  Backfilling and steel are next
Last of the forms will be removed shortly
Areas of the basement which will be filled in for structural support

 The zinc siding is completed along the South and East sides
 North and West sides still need a bit more time for zinc to be completed

 The boiler room is a work in progress.
 The elevator car is assembled and running
 The temporary wall at the South end of the commons is up.  This wall will keep the dust out of the finished Building A (BCBB) while construction on Building B continues
Ceiling grids are installed within the labs